Where are Templates in OpenTX for 9x?

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Where are Templates in OpenTX for 9x?

Post by G550Ted »

I am working with 3 new pilots in setting up their 9x radios with OpenTX. The plan is to have all of them using the same settings for their firmware and for Companion so they can share their model files, experience, etc., and to make it easier for me to provide help when needed. I have not paid much attention to the 9x side since I got my Taranis over a year ago and am a bit confused by some of what I don't see. Here are the setups:

9x with stock board (M64)
FW options are minimal and include "Templates"
Default channel order in General settings is TAER
Companion and 9x running v2.0.12 sw/fw


1. There is no Templates tab/menu page in Companion or on the radio - why?

2. If using the wizard to pgm a new model it defaults to TAER channel order but if wizard is not used the created basic 4 channel mix is RETA.

3. How does one pgm a Sticky Throttle Safety with this FW version?



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