Mix to pot question.

Programming your 9x using the stock firmware that comes with the radio. (Note. This is for the th9x, not the X9R)
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Mix to pot question.

Post by romandesign »

When I program "pitch trim" pot to control flap channel - it works OK, but when I try to also mix it to elevators (so they offset ballooning effect of flaps) elevators behave erratically and jump to different wild positions with pot rotation. I kind of found a workaround by using a mix with curves, but still on smooth flap movement (pot smoothly from 0% to 100%) I have two jerky jumps of elevator adjustment instead of smooth moves. When the curve is smooth - elevators jump at certain pit positions to max deflection etc. Any idea about what's happening? It's almost as if channel values "wrap around" from the other end of the channel instead of stopping at preset end points. If I open wide up and down rate I can get smooth movement but at whole elevator range. When I get below certain value at up and down rate I start to get wild jumps... I hope I'm clear enough to if anybody tried to do this will recognize the problem. This is going on even when all mixes are disabled except for pot-to-elevator and pot-to-flaps. I'm puzzled.

What I'm trying to do is to get bot pitch trim pot and 3-pos switch to control flaps. At NOR I have pot controlling flaps with slight mix to elevators (now it's two jumps instead of smooth movement, but the throw is more or less OK), and at ID1 and ID2 (with pot at minimum) there are fixed flap positions and mixes to elevator too (those are OK).

My aux settings are:

CH5 set to gear
CH6 set to none (flaps plugged there)
CH7 set at pitch trim (slaved to flaps)
CH8 set to none

My mixes are:

gear slaved to flaps at ID1 (certain value, same up and down) - intermediate flap position
gear slaved to flaps at ID2 (certain value, same up and down) - full flap position
gear slaved to elevator at ID1 (elevator trip for int. flaps)
gear slaved to elevator at ID2 (elevator trip for full flaps)
CH8 (aux) slaved to flaps (pot flaps control)
CH8 (aux) slaved to elevator (elevator flaps compensation - that's where the problem is, it's not smooth and at most settings - erratic)

I'm on stock firmware. Any advice welcome!
Roman Bershadsky

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Re: Mix to pot question.

Post by Rob Thomson »

Sadly I have no great advice other than upgrade your firmware!

I am sure there is a solution, but my experience of the stock firmware was so bad I converted within a week!

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