Customizing 9XR-Pro signal outputs

tgy9x is a fork of er9x, and is the default firmware that is released by hobbyking on the Turnigy 9XR transmitter.
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Customizing 9XR-Pro signal outputs

Post by aeroanpl »

I'm an undergrad aerospace engineering student working in a lab on campus, and my job is to allow control of a ground robot with a 9XRPro controller.
I have almost no experience with RC (and not much electrical eng. either), so I'm unfamiliar with the correct terms; please bear with me and feel free to correct me.
I've looked online for answers and can't seem to find anything conclusive.
The robot receives 7 channels of DC signal, each receiving 0-5V, and the communication will be done through an FrSky XJT transmitter and an FrSky X8R receiver.

My first and more current question -
How do I customize the signal output from the controller resulting from each button press/ pot turn/ switch flick? I want, say, the left stick to output 2.5V at middle rest position, 5V at top, 0V at bottom, or to set one of the pots to output 0-5V on its full range. Is this a legitimate question? Meaning, will this setting decide the voltage sent from the receiver to the robot as well, or is that a false assumption I made?
Also, I need to be able to set which of these signals is sent through which channel to be output from the receiver.

My second question is more technical:
I understand the signal output from the X8R receiver is a PWM square wave, and the robot needs to receive DC. Will they communicate nicely, or do I need some kind of converter? If so, what am I looking for?

Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Customizing 9XR-Pro signal outputs

Post by MikeB »

For the first question, the output are set in the mixer menu. For example, for model aircraft use the right stick is often used to control the ailerons, so the stick is called "Ail" (assuming you have the 'PRO set to "mode 2"). If you then set a mix on CH 1 as +100% Ail, then this stick will control channel 1.

If you haven't already found them, manuals for the 9XR-PRO are here: viewtopic.php?f=122&t=5575#p79483.

The output from the receiver is a positive pulse that varies from 1.0mS to 2.0mS repeated every 18mS. You will need some circuitry, or a microcontroller, to convert this to a DC voltage that varies from 0 to 5V. There are several different ways of doing this. It may depend on whether you need to design and build something or buy a device in. I just tried "servo to dc converter" in google and there are a number of results you could follow up.

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Re: Customizing 9XR-Pro signal outputs

Post by jirka525 »

To the second question:
You can use simple integrated circuid with ofset and amplification, to can set output in the range 0 - 5V. But this solution will not be too precission and not too noise resistant .
Better is sove it digitaly.

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