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Tx disk not mounted

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 4:09 am
by WayneH
I have just installed the new 9Xtreme board, and I am getting the TX disk not mounted error.
This is replacing the 2.2 rev board, which worked perfectly.

Set trims and went into bootloader, then connected to PC (EepSkye 420). Both drives are recognised and I can read/write to them.
I have been able to update the firmware by copying the new version to the firmware folder on the SD card, then updating via the Tx only.

I have rechecked/cleaned the connection pads etc.
On the radio setup in the menu the new version r218 (date 8/1/2016).
Not sure if this is relevant but on same menu – EEPROM it shows as disabled.
I get the same error when I try to flash model to Tx.
I have tried this on 2 PCs - Win 7_32 & XP Pro, and 3 different USB cables.
The Tx is working properly and has all the updated screens and menus, just can't flash from the PC.
Emailed Steven Morehouse & he suggesting posting here.

Wayne H

Re: Tx disk not mounted

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 9:37 am
by MikeB
Make sure you have the version of eepskye recently released at It says version 419, but this is the latest. I've had problems with the version numbering while doing the move from googlecode to Github.
This version r419 is more recent than the r420 and should work correctly with the 9Xtreme.


Re: Tx disk not mounted

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 8:39 am
by WayneH
I have downloaded and installed R419, unfortunately I have broken the micro USB socket off the little board, so will have to wait for a replacement before I can test!

Re: Tx disk not mounted

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 7:30 am
by WayneH
I've soldered the plug off a standard usb lead to the header board (temporary fix until new header arrives - Thanks Steven!)
Everything is working properly now. :P

Thanks for the help Mike.

Wayne H.