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Special Functions

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 7:22 pm
by Jaxon
Hi all.

Not sure if its my setup or companion9x when I start it from terminal, Companion crashes when I try to play track from the Special Functions Menu

Version 2.0.16, Apr 6 2015

Here is the Terminal dump
main:~/opentx/companion/lbuild$ ./companion
trying OpenTX for 9X board import... wrong size (32768)
trying OpenTX for M128 / 9X board import... wrong size (32768)
trying OpenTX for Gruvin9x board / 9X import... wrong size (32768)
trying OpenTX for Sky9x board / 9X import... wrong size (32768)
trying OpenTX for 9XR-PRO import... wrong size (32768)
trying OpenTX for FrSky Taranis import... version 216 variant 0 ok
QSet("thrdis", "brkmdoff", "mix", "angl", "trngmd", "afu", "BATT LOW", "timerlt3", "attmd", "actv", "fson", "mdoff", "seek", "iocoff", "3dpact", "lhtsoff", "octc", "sgnlcrt", "srf_thr", "battcns", "CAM DOWN", "toolow", "navltoff", "seapl", "usrerr", "abrkop", "rudlow", "drift", "ailmed", "ohnodnt", "a1_org", "mdact", "badatt", "errtcmd", "althld", "MAN MODE", "airbkoff", "btflyoff", "tlrtroff", "400", "ductf", "auttn", "automiss", "notalk", "syson", "trnstd", "wizz", "hexc", "ele3d", "CAM LEVE", "batlow", "hedhld", "race", "flpnorm", "auttnmd", "YAW 85", "gearup", "getreal", "capacity", "shtreal", "a1_red", "expoon", "gglyes", "cruz", "speed", "stblzmd", "hybrd", "cpltoff", "stblon", "manmd", "gmblon", "camcntr", "APM-auto", "ioc", "zoommd", "dseng", "speedmd", "eng", "splrcl", "dscnd", "flwmemd", "3drud", "ail2rud", "stab_ss", "brkson", "stopped", "ignoff", "engoff", "rudmed", "wellsht", "clrprop", "loitr", "and", "airbk", "chtmdact", "flpail", "hton", "notsuk", "crowon", "thrmlmd", "lwstcell", "idldwn", "ignon", "opentx", "lndgmd", "gps", "stab", "ignact", "idlup1", "APM-acro", "idlup2", "hvrmd", "stntoff", "APM-Chk", "zoom", "lhtson", "3dpitch", "land", "400feet", "chtmdoff", "gmbloff", "bad", "fxdwng", "tlrtract", "battchrg", "sports", "cmpssof", "hrznmd", "whtvr", "cmpsson", "knfedge", "neg", "seekmd", "thract", "turnon", "atti", "deplyd", "lnch", "crowoff", "knfedgm", "slflvlm", "gyrrate", "ngtvghst", "hirates", "fandf", "again", "navlton", "vintg", "thrhold", "clmbmd", "acrmd", "stblz", "tric", "corslk", "APM-Pos", "frget2", "ALL 85", "crclmd", "alth", "nottht1", "nrmmod", "danger", "sltscl", "timlnd2", "havland", "fsoff", "stnton", "aeropr", "hybrdmd", "GPS MODE", "bklght", "packvlt", "deadstk", "HOME LOC", "3drton", "anglmd", "stntact", "DEF GAIN", "situ", "brmtrof", "soring", "camber", "eww", "elehgh", "slflvl", "extmodl", "sgnllow", "hotter", "currdrw", "rudcail", "loiter", "airspd", "snafu", "timron", "aero3d", "timlnd", "drft", "ratemd", "flwme", "bombawy", "die", "drftmd", "trng", "flapsdn", "bombrel", "midrates", "trninst", "crcl", "timisup", "trnr", "3dhstada", "splrop", "waypt", "flkswtch", "camfix", "atmtcmd", "hrzn", "dlgf", "cplton", "APM-alth", "pwrrd", "warbrd", "on", "gmblact", "gidd", "geardn", "APM-Arm", "timrone", "flaprns", "frget", "sitnorm", "vriooff", "dlg", "actvd", "sprtmd", "fltmode1", "fltmode2", "colder", "fltmode3", "pos", "fltmode4", "yreffd", "fltmode5", "fltmode6", "automd", "brkmd", "fltmode7", "fltmode8", "gglno", "snapsw", "nxtmlwr", "ailhgh", "mdon", "thnks", "flypst", "uav", "srf_rud", "ele2flp", "sclpitch", "abrkcl", "ele2flr", "engon", "thrml", "CRS LOCK", "pnkmky", "engarm", "pchtdep", "heliscl", "srf_ails", "homlkm", "giddmd", "takoff", "mgohmof", "mode", "APM-land", "nxttmhr", "srf_ail", "acromd", "3drtoff", "man", "mltrtr", "thrrel", "elelow", "fpvf", "mgohmon", "APM-rtl", "jett", "Rain", "GAIN LOW", "camman", "heli", "btflyon", "heli3d", "flapsdep", "manual", "engdisa", "RTR HOME", "homlk", "fpv", "rtl", "wasmnt", "circle", "atmtc", "reset", "shutter", "brksoff", "cruzmd", "sltsop", "GAIN MAN", "CAM MAN", "gpsmd", "BATT CRT", "pouet", "toohgh", "landing", "smokeoff", "ail3d", "intmodl", "rudhgh", "dactvd", "smokeon", "badalt", "APM-stab", "corslkm", "sclmod", "loiter_s", "chtmdon", "flapsup", "train", "autort", "auto", "flaps", "oops", "mxdwth", "sprt", "cutyu", "meantto", "off", "camon", "reflex", "htoff", "batcrit", "horn", "flaps1", "flaps2", "idlup", "flaphlf", "timrtwo", "lowrates", "loitrmd", "expooff", "pwrgld", "camoff", "timroff", "ATTI MOD", "brmtr", "thtsw", "quadc", "fbwa", "lnchmd", "fbwb", "racemd", "elemed", "racing", "good", "stab_s", "flapfll", "pylnrc", "clmb", "3drtact", "liketht", "aillow", "engdis", "poshld", "stbloff", "aero", "cmnglnd", "gyrhh", "sim", "sprtsfl", "hvr", "acro", "normal", "mgmtrof", "vrioon", "IOC OFF", "STICKS 1", "yrwelcm", "APM-GPS", "mode0", "mgmtron", "mode1", "ggl", "mode2", "mode3", "mode4", "mode5", "APM-RTH", "mode6", "cpldwth", "mode7", "ugly", "mode8", "3dpoff", "srf_elev")
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Hope this helps.


Re: Special Functions

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 5:06 am
by Kilrah
Can you remove a few of those sounds from your folder and see if it gets better? Might be hitting a limit on how many a dropdown can hold.

Note that current version is still 2.0.15, if you built yourself you could also have an issue with the phonon library on your system.

Re: Special Functions

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 5:46 pm
by Jaxon
Thanks for replying.

I have done a git pull and recompiled the source code and every think seems fine now, not sure what went wrong.
Now on Version 2.0.15, Apr 10 2015

also not sure why they would go back a version from last one with sound problem.
Version 2.0.16, Apr 6 2015


Re: Special Functions

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 7:07 pm
by Kilrah
The date is the date YOU built the app.
The current state of the master branch is the current working state, not the latest release. When 2.0.16 is released there will be a new tag.

So it would be good to know more details about the issue if you can reproduce it if you build master again, as that would mean a bug would be present in 2.0.16 when released which we'd obviously not want.