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Lemon Stabiliser Rx

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 6:29 pm
by MikeB
Went out doing a test flight today. I was testing a new DSM2/X Tx module and telemetry unit. For the receiver I used a Lemon Stabiliser unit in DSMX mode. This handles all three main channels, with channel 5 acting as an on/off control for the stabiliser function.
The model I used is quite small, around 800mm span, and a bit of a 3D type.
Initially, I had the aileron direction of the stabiliser wrong, so when I switched the stabiliser function on I got a couple of snap rolls before I got the switch turned back off!
After correcting that, and adjusting the gain, I found with the stabiliser function enabled, the 'plane was much less twitchy and I needed to apply far fewer corrections to keep the model on track.
When I tried a couple of rolls, they came out very axial, without me applying any rudder or elevator. When I tried rolls without the stabiliser, they were nothing like as good!

In passing, I had over 80 paces when range checking and still had full control. Also the flight had no loss of control at any time, toghether with continuous voice output of the flight pack voltage, so the Tx module and telemetry unit worked well as well.


Re: Lemon Stabiliser Rx

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 7:08 pm
by jhsa
Nice :)


Lemon Stabiliser Rx

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 12:42 am
by Daedalus66
The Lemon stabilized receiver is a terrific little unit for $20. It's becoming very popular because it works very well and is easy to set up.

I have half a dozen of them in small and medium size electric models and the results are exactly as you describe. When you turn on stabilization, it's as though the wind has dropped, the model has grown by 50%, and everything has got smoother. In nearly a year of flying, I haven't seen a trace of a glitch. You can, of course, add a satellite, but I haven't found it necessary.

I have to admit an interest in this case, as I helped to write the detailed manual, which we recently updated to explain how the stab handles elevon, vtail and flaperon mixing.

By the way, there are a couple of errors in the official instructions that are shown on the webpage. One is that they are showing the v2 unit that was discontinued a year ago and that had significant differences from the v3 and current v4 units. The second is that they call for the unit to be mounted on the CG. In fact, this is a simple three-axis gyro stabilizer that responds only to angular displacements, so it doesn't care where it's located as long as it's anchored to the structure. It doesn't hurt to locate it on the CG but it isn't any advantage.

Re: Sv: Lemon Stabiliser Rx

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 8:58 am
by dvogonen
I stumbled on LemonRX receivers several years ago when they were first marketed. At first I used them in simpler models. Over time my confidence in them has grown since I have never ever experienced a single glitch. Not even when using their micro 6-channel DSM2 receiver in a glider.

Not only do they produce reliable receivers, they also stand by their products. I have their first generation stabilizer in a box at home. Shortly after the introduction it was discovered that the design was flawed. Rather than selling of the stock and then silently making an improved v2, they refunded all the customers their money, scrapped all the produced receivers and then completely redesigned the stabilizer before it was released again. Not what you expect from a small Chinese company, but certainly what you wish for.