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Glue used on x8r antenna coax connectors?

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 6:38 am
by ShowMaster
I just changed the PC antennas to the whisker antennas on my X8R receiver. I had to basically cut the brown glue gob to remove the first coax connectors. I think it's the same stuff used on the Taranis tx antenna coax pads.
Anyone know what the glue is? I'd like to own some.
It looks very much like a General Cement glue product GC Bond 10-4302-A that I used many years ago. It was tan and dried thick and flexible.
I guess there's always a dab of hot glue as an option.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk, small keys and a big finger.

Re: Glue used on x8r antenna coax connectors?

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 11:41 pm
by Flaps 30
I have seen that sort of stuff before in some Pye radio equipment many moons ago. No idea what it is..

Normally U.fl connectors are very secure if fitted correctly. Having said that. I have had one instance on a DJT TX module where the connector wasn't secure and no glue was used, and that lead to a loss of control.

The cure for the above was to make sure that the connector clicked into place, along with adding a small blob (on the end of a pin) of contact adhesive that had slightly gone off. That seemed to work well.

The problem I see with hot glue is that it isn't easy to control the amount that goes onto the joint, along with it possibly penetrating fairly deep into the connector which could lead to the risk of not being able to part the connection when you want to do it add to that the fact that hot glue isn't that easy to remove from small places, without destroying components.

I see that the product you are talking about is no longer made.. Pity. I like the smell of MEK. :twisted:

Slightly off topic here - Why the change from the PCB antenna to the whisker? ... Recent tests here shows that the standard whisker even when cut to the correct length shows a poor gain and a not so good SWR. Compared to a tuned rubber duck it was 9dB down.. Making a dipole arrangement (standard or in an L form) was far better showing at -5dB.

I would love to see what the PCB antennas are like and how they are laid out. Yet to do a BODA (sleeved dipole) as I am awaiting a few items to arrive. The results should be close to that of a rubber duck.

I did find that fitting the plastic cover on the rubber duck detuned it and it required 2mm to be chopped off the end of the whisker to bring it back to where it was.

Re: Glue used on x8r antenna coax connectors?

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 12:57 am
by ShowMaster
I went to the cats whisker because of limited room for the PC antennas. I've been using D series receivers all along with line of sight flying the last 2 years. RSSI never below 51. I'm not sure if it's been established that the X receiver needs more antenna gain or that it was done to improve over the D series range? No FPV flying to go beyond line of sight to date.
The concern for the glue used was to have some the factory has approved for use on the connectors. We'll probably not know but I may send an email to Frsky tech serv or ask aloft to check into it, or both.
I did run into a flyer at my local field that's claims he's had his antennas unsnap from his Frsky receivers and now glues them with something.

Some trivia...
As for the GC glue, I've been called back for some studio work next week and I was the head of that department for 18 years of my career. During that time ordered I many bottles of the glue for shop use. I wouldn't be surprised to find unopened bottles of it in the chemicals locker. Nothing ever gets thrown away! Drawers of tube sockets, new wire wrap tools, strobe disks and lamps for timing 78 & 33 1/3 record machines. It's a virtual tv/electronic time machine. Super modern equipment in use and super old equipment storage under one roof.
The tubes locker unfortunately was sold off years ago.
I'll see what I find.
I would like to know what that brown goop is that Frsky uses if just for being informed.
I know your past and career follows closely what mine has. Fun times.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk, small keys and a big finger.