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D8 Receiver binding lost.

Posted: Tue May 03, 2022 7:56 pm
by HWal

I have a Taranis X9D (not plus). For some reason not known to me, I lost binding to one of my two D8 receivers. While digging into this, I noticed that in Companion there is no provision for Receiver Number for my models with D8 protocol.

Does this mean that Receiver Number is not relevant for D8 receivers? I was wondering if a problem could arise if I create a new model and use one of my existing D8 receivers in the new model.

Is there any action that could result in the D8 binding being lost?

For info, I bound the reiceiver in question once more, and it works ok now.

Thanks, Helge.

Re: D8 Receiver binding lost.

Posted: Tue May 03, 2022 9:41 pm
by jtaylor
D8 does not have model match so no need for receiver numbers. Any D8 receiver will respond to any D8 model in the same transmitter so you need to be careful to select the correct model. And in 8 years with 15 D8 models in my X9D I've only made that mistake once.

I don't know why a receiver would lose bind. I can't remember having to rebind any of mine.


Re: D8 Receiver binding lost.

Posted: Wed May 04, 2022 7:03 am
by HWal
Got it, thanks. I'll just have to live with not knowing what caused the lost binding.

I have moved the receiver in question to an older, cheaper model for testing over some time.
