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Radiomaster TX16s / Main Screens

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 9:35 am
by mha

I hope I'm in the right section. If not please forgive a beginner and point me to the correct one.

While playing with setting up screens and widgetson my Radiomaster TX16S (fw 2.3.14) I added a second main screen. PageUP/Down allows to swtich between the two screens. But I can't seem to delete ("remove screen") the newly generated one. What am I missing?

And it seems Companion does not allow to fully add/delete/edit screens? I can't find a way to add widgets to the top bar. Also I can't find a way to add/delete new screens. Am I to dumb or is this a limitation of Companion.



Re: Radiomaster TX16s / Main Screens

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2021 9:39 am
by Kilrah
Long press on the remove screen button.

Companion can't do anything related to the screen setup.

Re: Radiomaster TX16s / Main Screens

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2021 7:58 am
by mha
Thanks, got it.