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OpenTx 2.3.7 Trm5 Trm6 problem

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 1:34 pm
by crasher
I fly FW aircraft. I use flight modes for take off and land and as an example when I use flight modes for different stages of the landing procedure FM1,2,3 I would like to set the flap value CH7 (-100~+100) by using Trm5, so that when in FM1 the value could be +70%, FM2 10% and FM3 -60%. The problem that I have is that the value of Trm5 is not remembered across the different flight modes, this is also the case for Trm6. However If I use Trims 1~4 there is no problem. Any advice most welcome.

Re: OpenTx 2.3.7 Trm5 Trm6 problem

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 5:09 pm
by Kilrah
Did you correctly set mode to "Own trim" for Trm5 for each of the flight modes?