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Mavlink-Taranis suddenly stopped displaying Alt values

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 2:52 pm
by bnwgraaf
I have this setup (I know, some pretty old stuff):
  • APM 2.6 flight controller, Arducopter 3.2.1
  • FrSky Taranis x9d+ radio
  • FrSky X8R receiver
  • Arduino Pro Mini for converting Mavlink to FrSky
I am using this for quite a long time and with some Lua scripts I get a lot of info on my taranis display.
Taranis Telemetry
Taranis Telemetry
This was working great!

But for some reason something has changed!
I have bought some new lipo's (but that cannot be the cause) and updated the Taranis firmware from 2.2 to 2.3.
I copied also the Taranis sd 2.2 content over the 2.3.

But now my Alt keeps showing value 0....
I deleted al sensors and reassigned them. I changed some values of the Alt sensor, but also tried the one which used to work before....
I even downgraded to firmware 2.2 again....nothing helped.

It is not in the Lua script. Because sensor names and so on have not been changed. And if I look in my Taranis directly to the value of the Alt sensor, it still stays at zero.

Other values do work:
- Signal
- GPS fix
- Number of sats
- Lipo voltage (this one come from the FrSky receiver, not from the flightcontroller)
- Flight mode

Only the the Alt stays zero...As said, it has worked before!
The strange thing is also that if I attach the Quadcopter to the computer with Mission Planner software, the Alt value works flawless!

I know it is not the most modern hardware, but does someone has any idea, where to look for the solution?