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HORUS 12s delta wing mixing

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 8:41 am
by nicholasdavis
Does anyone know how to do this mix, I've tried everything I can think off and can only get 1 channel to do both functions. I'm on latest version of firmware but not the beta version just released....

Re: HORUS 12s feta wing mixing

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 3:04 pm
by rdeanchurch
to the best of my knowledge 'feta' is goat or sheep cheese.
I don't think that making it is part of either OpenTx or FrOs for the Horus X12.

Perhaps you will want to explain better what you want to do and what firmware is in your X12.

Re: HORUS 12s delta wing mixing

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 5:12 pm
by nicholasdavis
Hi thanks for reply , im after delta wing mixing or elevon as some people call it , was half asleep when i

HORUS 12s feta wing mixing

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 6:06 pm
by Daedalus66
This is what an elevon function looks like:

CH1 50 I Ele
-50 I Ail
CH2 50 I Ele
50 I Ail

You may be using different channel order but this is the basic idea. Note that one Ail input is negative and the other positive. Note also the 50% weights to prevent overdriving the servos when both Ail and Ele are hard over.

Please change the wording of the topic to “delta” if you expect others to recognize it.