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Resolved - Notification of Moderation

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 5:45 pm
by rperkins
I understand and appreciate the need for moderating the forum.
While overall the issue was handled appropriately, in the future I would like a PM from the moderator who modifies or deletes my posts. I dont believe that is asking too much. thanks

Re: Notification of Moderation

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 6:31 pm
by ShowMaster
I'd ask for your donation refund.

Notification of Moderation

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 6:37 pm
by Rob Thomson
What post was deleted?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Re: Notification of Moderation

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 7:03 pm
by rperkins
It was in this thread.
After you speak to your moderators you can pm me if you need more information.

I now see that the issue has resurrected, although the original posts are still gone, and the timestamp of the latest post is confusing, although it could be a caching issue. The timing does not agree with the email notifications I get from the forum nor was the post there when I received a notification that there was a reply to my post. (Although the post before mine, my post, and the post after had been removed) Now I am requesting that my post be reinstated, or the entire issue be removed thanks

When looking at the Moderator list I see some are in Green and some are not. What is the difference ? I also see that at least one moderator is hiding when they last visited the site. I have a hard time finding a suitable reason why a moderator would need to hide that information, particularly on a board of this nature.

I made a factual , professional, non offensive, non personal post about a statement that was posted. It concerned the requirement to pay monies to load firmware on a 9x . It wasnt directed at the person posting, it was firmly focused at the issue. However at this time it feels as if some type of game is being played. I'm not interested in playing.

Sorry for taking up your time with this, and thanks.

I participate in a lot of forums and have a general Idea of what moderation / moderator conduct will grow a vibrant community with open , helpful communications.

The comment in this thread about requesting a refund is uncalled for and personal in nature, besides being uninformed.

Re: Notification of Moderation

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 8:43 pm
by gohsthb
rperkins wrote:The comment in this thread about requesting a refund is uncalled for and personal in nature, besides being uninformed.
And was meant as a joke. Knowing how Showmaster is sometimes.

Re: Notification of Moderation

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 9:35 pm
by Rob Thomson

Moving forwards any posts that get deleted.. will end up in a trash can. that way they can be reviewed and undeleted.

RE the moderator who nuked the post - I have no idea what was in it, but assume they may have felt it was offensive. But agreed - ideally you should have been pm'd.


Re: Notification of Moderation

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 9:59 pm
by ShowMaster
Yes. I was having a little fun with this since I'm not sure how a fun hobby about modifying an inexpensive TX got so serious?
Sorry about that. I work in Hollywood on shows where goofing on people is so common I/we forget that not everyone laughs with us. With out this option prime time TV would be "more" infomercials.
I'm sorry if it was inappropriate but I was confused by the post since Rob has been very understanding with us all so far that I was sure it was nothing going on.
Please repost what questions you need help with and I'm sure you'll get the best of answers.

Re: Notification of Moderation

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 10:14 pm
by Crucial
Hey, where'd the rating and thanks list come from?

Re: Notification of Moderation

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 10:16 pm
by Crucial
Also, thank you for adding the trash can. We don't have to delete things often but it will help to be able to see what was deleted in the future.

Re: Notification of Moderation

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 4:57 am
by Rob Thomson
Crucial wrote:Hey, where'd the rating and thanks list come from?
You will see that new posts have an option now to 'thank' the member :P

I have been 'playing' :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Re: Notification of Moderation

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 12:58 pm
by rperkins
Rob Thomson wrote:Right...

Moving forwards any posts that get deleted.. will end up in a trash can. that way they can be reviewed and undeleted.

RE the moderator who nuked the post - I have no idea what was in it, but assume they may have felt it was offensive. But agreed - ideally you should have been pm'd.

Thanks for your time. Sounds like a good procedure to put in place.

Can you get the moderator who removed my post to PM me , detailing why my post was deleted ? That way the issue wont be repeated and I could consider it moderation and not censorship.


Re: Notification of Moderation

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 1:57 pm
by Rob Thomson
To be honest Randy, I do not think that is necessary.

I appreciate that you may feel a peaved that your post was 'moderated'. At a result of this I have put in the trash can to allow the post to be recovered and reviewed if required. This will help address things moving forward.

To require someone to contact you with what would amount to little more than a forced apology is simply stirring up a problem. Further more it places me in a position where I am being required to act as a 'policeman', and having to 'tell someone who volunteers there time for free as a moderator' for having made a choice that may or may not have been wrong; regarding a message that I have not even seen!

Yes.. if we where a full blown business and had business requiring what amounts to 'damage control' I could understand the need. This however is a community forum, and mistakes may happen from time to time. Fortunately this is not something that occurs particularly often.

Remember. Moderators do not make money. They simply operate on a good will basis to try and ensure things doing get out of hand, and that posts end up in the correct sections of the forum. From time to time, they may get things wrong.

Re: Notification of Moderation

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 6:48 pm
by rperkins
Thanks again for your time and effort.
It was an explanation, not an apology, that I was seeking and your clarification of the event provided that for me. Marking this thread as resolved.

Resolved - Notification of Moderation

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 7:01 pm
by Rob Thomson
Thanks :)

The trash bin will certainly help in future.


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