Thanks for everything. up and running

er9x is the best known firmware. It has a superb range of features and is well supported by the community. Well worth trying out.
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Thanks for everything. up and running

Post by rperkins »


got my 9x flashed with er9x and got a dsm2 module built to fly my mcpx. It feels great to finally get it going. Couldnt have done it without all your guy's work and help. Thanks so much.

I could write up a 'How Not To Guide' with all my missteps.
  • 1. dont hook your 3.3 vreg backwards to your module. It will burn it up and you will have to buy another doner dx4e
    2. dont short out the pogo power pin on the module bay. It will burn a trace up on the 'front' board of the 9x.
    3. If your usbasp is hanging during communications, remove the cap from the 9x board on the RST line. Dont get consumed on the chinese firmware that came with your usbasp ( I do prefer the vanilla firmware though)
    4. Dont use super glue to hold your female headers for the module to the perf board you plan on putting in the JR case. the glue gets in the pins sockets no matter how hard you try to keep them out.
    5. It's easy to burn up the HK backlight kit. It burns up just like all the other led's I have fried due to too much current. I also have trouble getting the lcd and the backlight kit to lay down properly to get the case back together.
    6. and many more :)
Hey I just started in RC at christmas. only thing I have ever tried to fly was the mcpx with the dx4e. It I coulda done it perfect the first time then it wouldnt have been much of an accomplishment.

thanks again

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Re: Thanks for everything. up and running

Post by jhsa »

absolutely, well done
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