New ER iteration from

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New ER iteration from

Post by FlyByTheGrace »

You know that the recent iteration of ER9X >>> SVN: ER9X-r806, Ver: V1.2024-mike, DATE: 15.10.2013, MOD FrSky NT
It has no Templates anymore. Not that I am used to it. I am as new as they come. I have spent more time building and flashing and programming, installing drivers ordering parts and fixing my blunders than anything else. Don't get me wrong, I love every moment of it. But I would like to fly some time in the near future. To that end, I am taking video tutorials with this Richard Mrazek. But his version or build is much older. Maybe a year or better old. But... even the wiki is out of sync. So what to do? :?
Pp9 is Safety Switches
Pg.10 is FrSky Telemetry, \
Pg. 11 is FrSky Telemetry,
& Pg 12 Global Vars, and that is it.
Back to Screen #1 So....Have they done away with them in this October 15th '13 iteration?
Where have the Templates gone? I am taking a tutorial be Richard Mrazek and it is sort of confusing. :roll:
I need a template for my APM FPV Quad build, and a Flaps on Three pos Sw for my AXN Can anyone make suggestion, I have spent most of my time at the bench not at the airfield. The AXN is ready with a new D8RIIplus Rx and my Corresponding DJT module. NAturally I ahve used the ER9X FrSky FW for the upgrade. ANyone care to offer a suggestion. I have many miles to go before I make camp. God Speed and Good Flying folks :-)

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Re: New ER iteration from

Post by Kilrah »

NT in the firmware version means "No Templates".
If you want templates, don't use an NT version.

BTW, you only want the FrSky version if you did the hardware telemetry mod. Otherwise, just use the standad er9x even if you use FrSky RF modules.
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Re: New ER iteration from

Post by MikeB »

The templates were removed from the FrSky version many months ago. There wasn't really enough flash space with all the telemetry support to include them.
If you use eepe, you can use the templates there. Simply connect the radio t the PC, and use eepe to read the EEPROM, apply the required template(s), then write the EEPROM back to the radio.

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New ER iteration from

Post by Daedalus66 »

Note that the built in templates provide only basic components for programming. What the OP is looking for is something quite different -- ready made programming for specific models. That's not something that should (or could) be incorporated into the firmware; rather, you get it through forums and libraries of resources.

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