Yes the chip was installed in the radio all the time. To desolder and replace the chip would have been my next step if the oscillator had doesn´t worked. desolder a 64 pin qfp seems not be funny..without the right tools...
No, you have nothing to disconnect from the mainboard of the turnigy (the Battery and the TX Modul has to be removed). I pulled mine completly out of the housing by disconnecting all the cables and the LCD and removing the 4 screws. But thats not necessary because the atmega is reachable without.
The internal crystal(on the mainboard) is connected to pin 23 and 24 with 2 caps to generate the clock but you have to feed a allready made clock with the oscillators to pin 24.
You have "only" to connect your programmer(which has to be a 100%-working-with-the-9xr one), connect the oscillator and reset the fuses with companion9x. Maybe its a good idea to get a second person who is able to do the companion9x stuff (well prepared its only one click) while you are connecting the oscillator to the atmega.
I found a datasheet of the oscillator you have orderd
It should basically work, but the datasheet is a litte bit confusing because the pins in the picture are 1,7,8,14 and the table beside it says 1,2,3,4.
Maybe its: 1=1,2=7,3=8 and 4=14 but that is only a guess.