newbie wants to try and get it right with upgrades

erskyTx runs on many radios and upgrade boards
ersky9x was a port of er9x for use on the sky9x board.
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Irish Steve
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newbie wants to try and get it right with upgrades

Post by Irish Steve »

OK folks, here we go again.

The extra hardware is arriving in different boxes from different suppliers, and I'm almost ready to start a mega upgrade, but in fairness, the exact path and information on the "HOW" is still a little patchy, so before I jump in to this particular shark infested custard, I'm going to ask for some guidance here.

The upgrades, (to coin a well worn TV phrase) in no particular order, are
ERSky card
ERsky display new unit
ERSky USB interface cable in Power jack socket
New multi function rotary switch
LiFe battery
FR Sky DJT with D8R II Plus

I already have the FR Sky USB interface device (Upgrade cable)

I have stocks of or access to connectors pins and the like from Maplins, or RS components for wiring and the like. I have "suitable" soldering and desoldering tools, a good magnifying 3rd hand system, and good lighting, so the technical side is hopefully covered.

There are 3 radios to upgrade, ( and another 2 sets that are not being changed too much yet) hopefully, there's no differences between the Turnigy HK standard sets and the Eurgle sets, other than the placement of the TX antenna. All 3 are about 4 to 6 months old, so I am hoping that there will not be any issues with the mudule connector.

2 of the radios have been in use for a while, and as far as I know, there are no "issues" with them, we've only been flying helicopters with them up to now, and I've not seen any problems that would have me worried about the base units, and the upgrades will be moving pretty much all of the electronics anyway.

So, my planned order of change is

Change main board and fit new display, fit upgrade USB connector, new speaker, and the LiFe battery, and load ERSky9x on to the transmitter, but not changing the modules at this stage.

Carry out basic functional tests on operation of all channels. Sort out any mix issues, in ground only test, notwhere near an aircraft or a helicopter.

Fit any necesary changes to wiring on case for FR Sky module, and connect up, then test with new RX on bench tester, then perform a range test.

Fit the new rotary encoder switch, with the patch board for the original switches, and connect up, then test. This last item is going to be very much a when it's all ready mod, in that the boards for the switches are not being made yet, and then they've got to get to me. On that basis, I'm not going to rush in to fitting this new encoder until I know that it's worth doing. I know it means a significant strip down to fit this, but I don't want to wait for the boards, I need to start the process and get some results.

Now, the grey areas.

Do I need a hole in the case to facilitate easy swaps of SD cards, or are we expecting to only swap them very rarely?

Are any other holes needed in the case for access to other connectors or parts?

Are there any other hardware mods that are needed with this configuration that I've not mentioned?

The speaker will provide a sound output, what advantage if any is the "haptic" device?

What changes are needed to connect the FRSky module for Telemetry return?

What version of ErSky firmware is regarded as the "stable" version for initial testing?

Which package is the "favourite" for assembling the code on a Windows machine?

Which SVN package is the "favourite" for Windows machine?

What other software am I likely to need to work with these configurations?

Have I missed any essential changes or modifications, or other updates that are recommended or needed?

I've a reasonable idea of what's needed, in that I've been trying to keep up with the threads in the relevant forums for a while, but I don't want to blow any cards, or get to a stage where I lose my way in the middle of this, the radios are working at the moment, and I need them to still work when I've finished fitting all the mods. I'm also a little confused in terms of the rapid pace of changes that are happening, and trying to keep up with it all is proving challenging.

I fully understand that there are going to be a lot of changes over the next while, and if I'm honest, I hope to be involved in some of them myself, the ERsky board is still very new, and from what I can see of it, there's huge potential for further changes, which the stock board doesn't offer to the same degree.

We're moving over to FRSky so that we can have failsafe settings on the receivers, they will be going into some pretty large and old (vintage) helicopters, and I've just ordered a Bixler 2 from HK, and there are other Foam models in the mix as well.

In terms of locations of info, I'm aware of the threads here, and also in RC groups, and they are my main sources of information. My main concern is that there seems to be very little about the ERSKy board, in terms of fitting it, I thought I'd seen a wiki, but right now, I'm struggling to find it again, which either means I didn't see what I thought I had, or it's somewhere obscure that's not standing out to me at the moment.

I will try and document what I do during this upgrade, in the hope that it can then become the basis of a wiki guide for others that come behind me, as I think that the route I'm going is likely to be pretty much a common route that will be taken by a number of people.

Irish Steve

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Re: newbie wants to try and get it right with upgrades

Post by SkyNorth »

Until we find a way to use the SD card as a Mass storage device , through the USB or serial port,
You need a access slot ...but if you are just putting sound files on the card once , then you really do not
need to access it.

Wiki Link: ... rd_Upgrade

Irish Steve
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Re: newbie wants to try and get it right with upgrades

Post by Irish Steve »

THANKS, I knew I'd seen the darn thing, but could I find the link again!

I guess there will be upgrades happening on the sound side, so an access slot will make things easier.
Irish Steve

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Re: newbie wants to try and get it right with upgrades

Post by kaos »

Do I need a hole in the case to facilitate easy swaps of SD cards, or are we expecting to only swap them very rarely?
to me it is easy to drill 4 hole at the bottom and never have to worry about it. mine all work great with holes. and no need for extra USB connector. straight in the usb on the board.
Are any other holes needed in the case for access to other connectors or parts?
just four, unless they add more function to the extra connector header for something yet to come ;)
Are there any other hardware mods that are needed with this configuration that I've not mentioned?
not at this point, unless they really unleash the power of this board
The speaker will provide a sound output, what advantage if any is the "haptic" device?
you can program it to give your tiring hand during fly a good massage and keep you awake :mrgreen:
What changes are needed to connect the FRSky module for Telemetry return?
just a servo connector with 2 wires from module and a 2.5 mm stereo jack on the other end plug into the bottom hole you drilled
What version of ErSky firmware is regarded as the "stable" version for initial testing?
hmm, does that 'stable' exist? it is changing(more function/improvement added) every wk. It is an on going project. My understanding.
Which package is the "favourite" for assembling the code on a Windows machine?
you need at least Sam-ba and companino9X
Have I missed any essential changes or modifications, or other updates that are recommended or needed?
that is what I love about this board, at this time, nada! pretty much plug and play before further new function is developed as i know it.
the only 'DIY mod" is drilling those 4 holes for me. ;)

I use stock LCD and Hk back light. no need for screen mod either. All plug and play. :mrgreen:
oops! did solder 2 wires for haptic buzzer and an inline resistor for HK blue back light, servo wire to 2.5 mm stero jack. boy, that is a lot of work!! :mrgreen:

only one thing seems missing, get this ... 1439.l2649
and plug in for BT.

The rest I will leave to the techy Nerdish speaking guys to answer. ;)
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Re: newbie wants to try and get it right with upgrades

Post by RCHH »

Hi Steve,
Only one issue you might come across with fitting the DJT module. There is a piece of plastic moulded at the base of the pins in the module slot in the back of the TX. If it is there - you have to remove 1.8mm or so of it to allow the module to seat correctly.

Also, go for the D8R-XP receiver, unless you have already purchased the plus. The XP can be configured for an internal voltage sensor, negating the need to buy an additional one. Looks nice too! heh heh

The board from SkyNorth is one awesome piece of kit - and lord only knows what it's full capabilities are!
I have one fitted and running with pretty much all the available addons - bluetooth, rotary encoder (changed the plastic knob to a 'slimmer' version for looks), new speaker, full telemetry, sound, backlight (controlled by the new board) and after some initial SD Card holder problems (fixed by replacing it with a new assembly) the system is really excellent. I did not bother with the new LCD, as the original is fine for my needs, nor the USB pigtail. I use the on-board one thru the bottom of the case. Less to worry about. I have holes in the case wherever required, covered with purpose made silicone rubber bungs, to stop ingress of muck etc. when not being used.

The programming is very different to any other radio - particularly with the mixes - but once you wrap your head around it, it is simple - and you can actually have access to a total of 21 channels ... pick and mix par excellance!!! Awesome!

Fitting all of it is an absolute breeze - you won't have any issues getting it up and running.

Edit: - I only used a DJT module when building the radio - I have since hardwired in the DHT hack unit so there are no external wires floating about, and I have its aerial fitted to the original aerial hole, rather than sticking out of a block on the back. Looks like it was made that way now :)
The simpleton asked "Hows about ErSky9X for Horus???". And the Genius from Dorset replied "Why not indeed? I shall get right onto it!" And then there was light on Horus! And it was good!

Irish Steve
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Re: newbie wants to try and get it right with upgrades

Post by Irish Steve »

That sounds good indeed. Aware of the moulding issue, and hoping that the sets here were made before that change came on stream.

Already have the receivers, they came as a combo pack but it's early days yet, and a mix of the 2 doesn't seem to be an issue. The other thing that could happen would be a new receiver for the Sky board, with more native on board channels, time will tell.

Yes, I'm well impressed with the boards, they've been here for a few days, but new stuff like the rotary encoder came along and muddied the waters, and it's still not easy to see wood for trees in the forums, there's so much activity.

The programming looks challenging, it took a little while to get the stock TX working to my satisfaction with a Trex 500, and getting it working with other smaller machines wasn't so bad after that, but we've some non CCPM heli's to sort out soon, they will probably end up with flymentor or similar on them for safety. Also going down the fixed wing road, and I've some live steam locomotives that used to be on 27Mhz, and they will be very much nicer on 2.4.

Longer term, things like head movement tracking with FPV and UAV type facilities are all looking very possible, but the first stage is to get them working with the Helicopters, and we can go from there.

have the encoders, but that's already been superceded by the replacement for the 4 way switches, and I think that's going to be a much better option long term, it will certainly make selecting things like model names a lot nicer and quicker. Also hopefully frees up the old "menu" button for other use, fast context switching of the display page is one possible that comes to mind.

Have to admit I've been looking for a radio like this for a long time, and I reckon that this could be a very good package before too long. I think I will be doing some playing with Arduino's to see if I can produce some digital outputs that will replace the analog signals, that can be used for lighting, strobes, maybe some other things as well, but not taking too many channels to achieve it.

Much appreciate the help from all concerned
Irish Steve

If it was easy, shure, would't we all be doin it?


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