Help on the correct upgrade path for Taranis 9x please

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Help on the correct upgrade path for Taranis 9x please

Post by Crabro »

I managed to get an early Taranis 9x but immediately suffered some family crisis problems so I am only just getting to grips using it.

The TX reports it is running opentx-x9d-1.1.02

Before I jump feet first into the mire can I check with you more experienced guys the correct upgrade route for my tranny?

From what I have read, it is better to upgrade to OpenTx 2.0 before upgrading to 2.1?
Is there anything I need to do once I am at 2.0 before moving to 2.1?
Indeed, SHOULD I move onto 2.1?
Do I use the OpenTx companion to find and load the firmware into the tranny?

What about the EU TX protocol and my V8F4-II and V8FR-II RXs? If I understand correctly this is a separate download from Frsky? If I do the upgrade will the RXs still work? I understand it is illegal to sell the non-EU TX but not use it - so is it worth the upgrade?

As you can tell, I am pretty confused to say the least. I am pretty sure that these questions have been asked and answered many times, so links to the relevant threads would be fine. All help gratefully received. Thanks!

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