[SUPPORT] OpenLRSng support thread

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Re: [SUPPORT] OpenLRSng support thread

Post by McBodger »

Hey need some sound advice and direction here LOL.

I recently started rebuilding my quadcopter after buying a Walkera QR X350 body for it.

I also decided to buy an RC Timer APM 2.5 clone (Arduflyer 2.5.2).

I wanted to use an android app. on my phone via bluetooth but it seems like there's no provision for a direct bluetooth hookup from what I can find on the internag, maybe I missed something.

On my previous board (HK crius V1 clone) it was a simple plug and play setup..... almost... but for this Arduflyer board it seems I need 2 way telemetry modules, with the BT connected to the ground station module.

My question is this: I have Orange OpenLRS Tx/Rx here, set to 459mhz (to be UK legal) - could I enable telemetry on those and connect the Rx module serial port to the telemetry port on the board; then connect the bluetooth to the Tx module serial port?

Seems like a long way for a shortcut given as I want it simply to avoid using the USB port for minor setting changes on the ground (see ; mucking about trying to get something working).

Assuming this is how it's done and can be done with OpenLRS, then are there any good threads/hints/tips for doing it this way? I would like to use the follow me mode too.

All advice and help is appreciated and I'm new to using telemetry so treat as dummy ;)

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Re: [SUPPORT] OpenLRSng support thread

Post by Kilrah »

Woud work in principle, but the throughput of the openLRS system's serial port is rather limited, so one would need to know if the APM's stream respects the constraint and doessn't send too much stuff as it would lead to loss of data.
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Re: [SUPPORT] OpenLRSng support thread

Post by McBodger »

Any idea where one might find such information? Or how to figure it out...

I believe I spotted something about the LRS data rate calculation (via packet counting I think it was).

TBH without spending another nearly sleepless night I can't see me figuring that one out.
The wiring I understand.
The principle- no problem.

However, I've not the slightest clue how to find out if the APM is programmed to respect data rate limitations.

I do remember reading that the LRS will silently drop packets when overwhelmed.

So I suppose the question now becomes - how poor is the throughput of the OrangeLRS?

Is it really so limited that there is a significant risk of things going south should I attempt a 'follow me' flight using this method?

I can live with the idea that it may drop the odd packet during messing about with quad not armed, as I'm only changing settings. That said if it can't handle that then seems pointless.

Also how will this affect using telemetry on the MinimOSD? Is that a question I can ask here?

And why the chuff did they make it so hard to get a simple BT connection? LOL it was easy as pie on the Crius clone.
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Re: [SUPPORT] OpenLRSng support thread

Post by Kilrah »

How did you do it on the crius? Connected the BT module directly on the card?
You should be able to do the same on your current board. The reason why they advise using radio modems is that they typically want more than the 10m or so of range that Bluetooth offers. If it's enough for you, then there's no need to do that much fiddling.
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Re: [SUPPORT] OpenLRSng support thread

Post by voyager4 »

I'm using the HawkEye UHF(JR) and the 9ch black RX (with filter) on my FPV Skywalker. I use a APM 2.5.2 Flightcontroler, using PPM and the Rssi. PPM works great, and the Rssi works also. As I am near the plane the Rssi is 100% but after about 1km it drops to 69%. Tx power is 7. Is this normal or could it be a mismatch antenna? I use a DIY Inverted Vee antenna on the RX and a on the TX a Nagoya NA-771 (144/430mhz). I use 10 hopping channels 435-437.5 mhz.

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Re: [SUPPORT] OpenLRSng support thread

Post by voyager4 »

I update to 3.5.6 (hawkeye JR) but now my Rssi isn't 3.3volt anymore. As I am near the RX it only gives 3.25v (77%). With the 3.5.5 it was 3.3v (100%). Any idea why this is?
another question, I see in the configurator the Kha firmware, can I use this also on my Hawkeye UHF TX or only the Hawkeye JR? What is the different between those firmwares?
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Re: [SUPPORT] OpenLRSng support thread

Post by PB2000 »


firstly I am very impressed with openlrsng, especially with the configurator utility .

But some problem occured with my hw.

I am using two orange RX one configured as TX.

But I am unable to bind it together.
When I try to open port trough serial terminal all i can see is

Code: Select all

Loaded settings from EEPROM

OpenLRSng TX starting 3.5.6 on HW 3
module locked?
module locked?
module locked?
module locked?
module locked?
module locked?

probably the problem is with the spi communication with the rf module.

Code: Select all

TX.h 578:  if (spiReadRegister(0x0C) == 0) {     // detect the locked module and reboot
Is there a way how to check if the rf module is working correctly?

thank you

EDIT: i tried change roles of the modules (RX to TX and TX to RX), but i got no bind and same error
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Re: [SUPPORT] OpenLRSng support thread

Post by pyr8 »

I'm having an issue connecting to the "RX Module" through openLRSng.

I am able to flash the firmware on both the TX and RX, and I am able to configure the TX, however when I try to connect to the RX via the TX radio link, the "timeout" counter freezes.

Anyone have any ideas on the issue?

Using Orange RX & TX hardware with latest 0.37 firmware.

P.S, I am able to successfully bind the TX & RX with my 9XR and control servos, so I don't think it's a binding issue.
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Re: [SUPPORT] OpenLRSng support thread

Post by waketime »

pyr8 wrote:I'm having an issue connecting to the "RX Module" through openLRSng.

I am able to flash the firmware on both the TX and RX, and I am able to configure the TX, however when I try to connect to the RX via the TX radio link, the "timeout" counter freezes.

Anyone have any ideas on the issue?

Using Orange RX & TX hardware with latest 0.37 firmware.

P.S, I am able to successfully bind the TX & RX with my 9XR and control servos, so I don't think it's a binding issue.
I was just able to do this today. I think the trick is powering on the RX during the time out period.

I followed these steps:

Run Configurator
Remove Orange OpenLRS 1W TX module from my Taranis.
Successfully connect to the TX Module with a 3.3v FTDI cable so that the TX Module tab shows all active settings.
Click the RX Module tab and wait five seconds (it will start timing out)
Power on the RX and it immediately connects shows the RX Module tab and associated settings.
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Re: [SUPPORT] OpenLRSng support thread

Post by RightRudder »

I noticed some strange behaviour with the 1 watt tx module from OrangeRx with on a servo connected to the rx. I assume it was due to high RF levels in the house overloading the rx front end because when I used the configuration tool to lower the tx output level to level 1 the strange behaviour (and also the noise on the taranis speaker) was gone. So this begs the question, how does one do a safe takeoff when using high power? Will this issue disappear outdoors or is it always there at close range with high power? Also I am using the crappy stock antennas that came with the gear for these initial tests. I know I have to make some proper antennas, but good antennas will only result in a much higher injection level at the receiver so I'm a little worried... It could also be RF getting into the servo leads I suppose and not the rx at all. Anyone else have similar experiences?

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Re: [SUPPORT] OpenLRSng support thread

Post by gubznf »

RightRudder wrote:I noticed some strange behaviour with the 1 watt tx module from OrangeRx with on a servo connected to the rx. I assume it was due to high RF levels in the house overloading the rx front end because when I used the configuration tool to lower the tx output level to level 1 the strange behaviour (and also the noise on the taranis speaker) was gone. So this begs the question, how does one do a safe takeoff when using high power? Will this issue disappear outdoors or is it always there at close range with high power? Also I am using the crappy stock antennas that came with the gear for these initial tests. I know I have to make some proper antennas, but good antennas will only result in a much higher injection level at the receiver so I'm a little worried... It could also be RF getting into the servo leads I suppose and not the rx at all. Anyone else have similar experiences?

I've seen the same jitter problems on a friends Taranis while mine was unaffected. We turned the power down to 2 and set telemetry to off to get rid of it. We did not try outdoors to see it that would mitigate the problem though. We tried several good quality antennas and also shielding with copper tape. None of it had any appreciable effect on the jitter.
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Re: [SUPPORT] OpenLRSng support thread

Post by RightRudder »

This is a good point, I hadn't considered that the RF might be getting into the circuitry in the Taranis and causing the jitter through that end of the link but it is of course a reasonable suspicion as well. There was certainly some noise from the speaker. I read that some early Taranis (Taranii??) had some issues even with the 2.4Ghz getting into the audio although I didn't hear anything about it affecting the control signal link. I'll try again outdoors as soon as I get a chance and see what happens as I get farther from the rx with high power enabled on the Tx. If the problem remains then the coupling is on the Tx end. If not then I can look into where on the rx end the problem may be. I'll try different servos also.
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Re: [SUPPORT] OpenLRSng support thread

Post by arseni »

Just got my new black receivers (both Hawkeye 9 and 4ch ones),

But afraid turning them on. What is safe voltage range on servo rail?
Is +6 volts OK, or should I provide regulated +5.0v?

Another quersion:
4/6ch receiver does not have DTR/TX/RX... pins soldered. I presume, that to flash firmware, I will only need to solder three of those (DTR, TX, RX). Ground and power supply can come from servo rail - right?

Really excited to get into LRS world. Receivers are extremely small and light by the way, especially given their abilities.
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Re: [SUPPORT] OpenLRSng support thread

Post by RightRudder »

I can't give any answer about the power question as I don't have that type of rx but if you can supply regulated 5v why not? On the other question you will also need a ground pin so the serial device has a ground reference. The power can come from the rx though.
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Re: [SUPPORT] OpenLRSng support thread

Post by arseni »

b.t.w. Here is how I flashed 4/6 ch Rs w/o soldering.

Just had to make small holes in heatshrink. Also, during flashing I pressed wires sideways with a finger, to get solid connection. Worked fine from 1st attempt!

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Re: [SUPPORT] OpenLRSng support thread

Post by pa2rdk »

I have the following problem:

I tried to install Openlrsng on my OrangeRX and TX.
- I did not succeed with the configurator, error message 'Start message not received within 10 seconds, disconnecting'.
- Downloaded the Arduino files but could not install them via the FTDI connection either.
- Succeeded to install the OpenLRSng with Arduino via the USBASP without any problem, but still could not connect via the configurator.
- Reinstalled the boot loader in the RX and TX with the Arduino software and the USBASP.
- After that I was able to install the OpenLRSng with the configurator in the RX and TX. but only once!
- The second time I could not install the OpenLRSng anymore with the configurator.
- Reinstalling the boot loader made it possible again to install OpenLRSng with the configurator.
- Connecting to the OrangeRX with the configurator stays impossible.
- After installation of the OpenLRSng I can pair and the communication seems to work fine.
- But still no possibilities to configure the OpenLRSng which annoys me...
- Because I can program the OrangeRX once via the configurator after installing the boot loader I'm sure the serial connection is OK.

Anybody any idea? I could use some help here!
Thanks in advance, Robert.
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Re: [SUPPORT] OpenLRSng support thread

Post by fefenin »

i'm new in this forum....
i just baught a orange open lrs that i did program right away with open lrsng .
i have few systems but now i would like to use it with my mikrokopter quad and i have a smart box (hott) from graupner so i would like to use it with the openlrsng telemetry port.

when i plug the smartbox to the flight ctrl board with rx and tx coupled with a diode (yes smart box is on one wire half duplex ) and @19200bds it works great.

when i do that threw the orange lrs telemetry still @19200bds it is giving me junk characters, it seams like only a few are right.
is it really transparent link? even for special chars?
is there a way to fix that? it will be very cool to be able to be compatible with hott so we can see batterie heading vario etc... right away from mikrokopter boards.

thank you in advance falks.
and i apologize for my english and my lack of knowledge with open lrs
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Re: [SUPPORT] OpenLRSng support thread

Post by xtrmtrk »


I'm sorry for double-posting this, I put it on RCGroups as well. But one of my favorite quads is grounded until I get this figured out...

I'm having bind problems with the latest release of OpenLRSNG. Here's my setup:

Radio: FrSky Taranis
Transmitter: HawkEye/DTFUHF 1 Watt DeluxeTX
Receiver 1: HawkEye/DTFUHF 6 Channel Receiver
Receiver 2: OrangeRX 9 Channel Receiver

I just upgraded to the latest Chrome app and flashed new firmware 3.6.2. I can bind to the HawkEye receiver and everything works fine, but not to the OrangeRX receiver.

When I go through the bind process, it looks like it's working - I get the fast beep on the Tx, apply power to the Rx, the beeping stops and both Rx LEDs come on. But when I power down the Tx and Rx, they are no longer bound when I start everything up again. I always power up the transmitter first, then the receiver.

Weird thing is, I'm having no problems with the HawkEye receiver, only the OrangeRX is a problem.

Does anyone have the combination of a HawkEye Deluxe transmitter and an OrangeRX receiver working with 3.6.2? From my experience and the other posts above, it looks like there's a problem with the OrangeRx receiver.
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Re: [SUPPORT] OpenLRSng support thread

Post by shaggee »

Where should I put jumper to enable PPM out on channel 6?
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Re: [SUPPORT] OpenLRSng support thread

Post by Kilrah »

No jumper, you need to configure that in software.
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Re: [SUPPORT] OpenLRSng support thread

Post by voyager4 »

I have the Hawkeye UHF JR module and the black 9ch RX. In the configurator I see the firmware for these but also on the top the Kha firmware. Can I use the Kha firmware as well and if so does this works better?
I'm using the HawkEye JR TX firmware(3.6.2) at the moment. When flying out I see the Rssi sometimes dropping fast and than come back (from 100%-50% back to 100%). Is this normal? I didn't fly out for more than 1,5 km yet.
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Re: [SUPPORT] OpenLRSng support thread

Post by kha »

voyager4 wrote:I have the Hawkeye UHF JR module and the black 9ch RX. In the configurator I see the firmware for these but also on the top the Kha firmware. Can I use the Kha firmware as well and if so does this works better?
I'm using the HawkEye JR TX firmware(3.6.2) at the moment. When flying out I see the Rssi sometimes dropping fast and than come back (from 100%-50% back to 100%). Is this normal? I didn't fly out for more than 1,5 km yet.
The firmwares on configurator only differ on hw needs (in fact looking at the number after the name you can see which firmwares are identical) and thus you cannot mix them.

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Re: [SUPPORT] OpenLRSng support thread

Post by artemen »

Hi, I just got a DTF UHF delux tx and a 6ch rx from MRSS. I am moving from x8r with smartport which I used for the last half a year with a apm2.6 . I was able to connect apm 2.6 telemetry to the smartport via teensy3.1 mod by Rolf Blomgren at DIYD (http://diydrones.com/forum/topics/amp-t ... e=activity) So I am really used to the telemetry from apm on my taranis, I have setup all the voice alarms for low rssi, low voltage, mah used, GPS status, etc etc, so If I would move to UHF I would loose all of this, but I find myself flying in a very busy 2.4ghz environment and UHF is the only option for me to have a solid RC link, but it removes all the data I was able to get on my taranis from apm. If possible can someone from the developers fix the full frsky telemetry support? Inverting the signal is a relatively easy mod, but adding the full frsky telemetry support is beyond my knowledge and skills.
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Re: [SUPPORT] OpenLRSng support thread

Post by kha »

artemen wrote:Hi, I just got a DTF UHF delux tx and a 6ch rx from MRSS. I am moving from x8r with smartport which I used for the last half a year with a apm2.6 . I was able to connect apm 2.6 telemetry to the smartport via teensy3.1 mod by Rolf Blomgren at DIYD (http://diydrones.com/forum/topics/amp-t ... e=activity) So I am really used to the telemetry from apm on my taranis, I have setup all the voice alarms for low rssi, low voltage, mah used, GPS status, etc etc, so If I would move to UHF I would loose all of this, but I find myself flying in a very busy 2.4ghz environment and UHF is the only option for me to have a solid RC link, but it removes all the data I was able to get on my taranis from apm. If possible can someone from the developers fix the full frsky telemetry support? Inverting the signal is a relatively easy mod, but adding the full frsky telemetry support is beyond my knowledge and skills.
I have the smartport 'passthru' in the works. It needs a bit effort as the RX is active on sport and essentially polls the sensors, I can maybe look on that converter code to see what needs to be polled etc.

Sent by kha's fat fingers on phablet
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Re: [SUPPORT] OpenLRSng support thread

Post by 1SQ »

I received my DTF 1w deluxe and 6 channel RX from MRSS about two weeks ago. I finally got my dipole antenna and now i'm ready to power and or flash these. Are these plug and play as in no need to flash them and just bind them together? Can someone pls confirm.
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Re: [SUPPORT] OpenLRSng support thread

Post by xtrmtrk »

It might not be necessary, but I'd flash them with the current software first. You should also probably at least take a look at how they're configured in the Chrome App to make sure it's how you expect.
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Re: [SUPPORT] OpenLRSng support thread

Post by 1SQ »

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Atmega chip erasing

Post by RBirdie001 »

Firstly must say thanks to all developers because I'm using 3 olrs receivers for some months and after initial problems they work simply GREAT with stable link and perfect cotrol range!
BUT I have one problem: So far it happened to me for three times exactly the same way, always at diferent piece of board and firmware version so it seems to be a general problem:
One day (better to say 3 days :( ) I powered up my orange openlrs RX and it was completely dead. Not any LED blink, not any signal anywhere - just dead. Attempt to reprogram it using FTDI didn't work as there wasn't even bootloader alive so it didn't respond to programmer. Finally ISP programming allowed me to burn new bootloader, then FTDI programming started to work again and at the end I made everything again working OK.
All three boards were installed in different planes and copters and have always very carefully filtered power (maybe this can be at the end a disadvantage?) There is either a separate BEC from battery to 5V power or at least good LC filter between 5V system power source and olrs RX, always is there a big capacitor (1500-3000 micro) directly on the olrs power input pins, so short power drops are impossible. Oposite is the case, after disconnecting battery is power voltage dropping quite slowly.
I think that slowly dropping voltage can under some conditions cause uncontrollable running of chip erase cycle.
I didn't change Atmel processor control bytes from those programmed in production (I don't have an ISP programmer here just now) and my idea is, that using different value for brownout detection could possibly help with the problem.
My first question is, if anyone experienced the same problem with orange olrs RX and if anyone has an idea about the solution.
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Re: [SUPPORT] OpenLRSng support thread

Post by bertrand35 »

Who could give me a link to one good Tx and Rx antenna to use with openLRS module and receiver?
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Re: [SUPPORT] OpenLRSng support thread

Post by badzz »

bertrand35 wrote:Who could give me a link to one good Tx and Rx antenna to use with openLRS module and receiver?
For the tx diamond srh 771 is said to be a good one.
http://mikrokopter.altigator.com/antenn ... 41653.html
I have this exact one to sell actually (Paris, France) as I am switching to 868mhz.


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